Minggu, 19 April 2015

tugas softskill bhs. inggris 2

Nama : Ika Rahmawati
NPM : 15214132
Kelas : 1EA 19
Tugas softskill Bhs. Inggris 2

5A (page 47)
A.    Read for spesific information
1.      This article explain about the symbols of power. 
      There are an object, directions, colours, buildings, a shape, and animals. 
      That things were people can see everywhere and everytime.
2.      I knew: Direction (left and right) this symbolism comes from 
      the French Revolution, where liberal members of parliament sat to 
      the left of the president and conversation sat to the right. 
      Colours, i think all peopleknew what colour is. Buildings
      A shape(round, square, triangle, etc.). Animals.
      I didn’t knew: The ballot box has perhaps become one of 
      the great symbols of democracy.
3.      1) false 2)false 3)true 4)true 5)false 6)true
4.      1)Direction 2)Peacekeeping 3)Buildings
B.     Vocabulary politics
5.      Yes, for example: political parties, parliament, 
      liberal, socialism, comunism.
6.      In my country, the head of state is the President. 
    We don’t have a king or queen—our country’s 
    a President the people vote to elect the members of 
    parliament—it’s a we have voting  every five years. 
    There are two man parties—the party is more lept wing and 
    government buildings are in the capital. 
    My country is a member ofthe ASEAN. Our flag has three colours to the sea, 
    the land and the sky. Our logo animal is eagle.
C.     Listen for key information
D.    Grammar theor no article in names of institutions
12. Individual People: Princess Diana, President Kennedy, Queen Elizabeth, King Richard III
Positions: the emperor of Japan, the US President, Australian Prime minister, head of state
Organizations: the European Union, the united nation, liberal party, Irish government
13. 1) what’s the name of of the presidentof the USA? 
      2) who’s the leader of Conversation Party? 
      3) where’s the headquarters of the united kingdom?
      4) is Prince William from the united kingdom? 
      5) is the Czech Republic in the european union? 
      6) Did the President Mandela meet the President of Tanzania?

5B (page 49)

A.    Vocabulary permission words
      1.      No, i don’t have a pet now or in the past. Because, i don’t like animal.
      2.      (READING)
      4.      1) smoking isn’t allowed  
            2) parking is permitted 
            3) mobile phones aren’t forbidden
B.     Read and interpret
     5.      In sun Prairie, Wincosin, dogs and cats aren’t allowed in cemeteries, 
          don’t take a dog in a liftin Californian town. 
          We musn’t travel with an animal on the roof of your car. 
          We musn’t steal animals and sell them. 
          In Alaska its illegal to take a pet into a barber’s.
6.      “if your pet suddenly dies, don’t forget—
    you can’t leave a ded animal on anybody else’s property.
    “about hunting animals too, while you’re in virginia, don’t forget that hunting 
    isn’t allowed on Sunday—except for racoons. 
    You xan kill a racoon anytime before 2 pm.
    In Arizona, hunting camels is forbidden and you must never shoot a fish.”
7.      X: why do you think dog can’t take into school?
      Y: because, dog can make noisy that disturbing the students.
C.     Grammars modals and obligation
8.      “If you have skunk, you musn’t take it into Tennessee”
      “You can’t leave a dead animal on anybody else’s property in Conyers, Georgia”
      “In Arizona, hunting camels is forbidden and you must never shoot a fish in wyoming”
      “You can walk your dog in maine”
      “If you go for a haircut in Alaska , you’ll have to leave your dog outside”
9.      1) False, you haven’t got a choice—you have toleave your dog outside
      2) True
      3) False, not musn’t but you can walks your dogin waterboro
      4) True
10.  To say it’s allowed: can, to say it’s forbidden: 
      can’t, to say it’s an obligation: must, to say it’s not an obligation: may.
11.  1)  must  2) musn’t  3) have to  4) must  
      5) can  6) don’t have to  7) can

5C (page 51)
A.    Vocabulary crime verbs
1.      I usually read the newspaper in the morning.
      The type of stories i read is the news of my country.
2.      1) robbed  2) attacked  3) stealed  4) stealed  5) murdered  
      6) shooted  7)killed  8) kidnaped  9) hijacked  10) arrested
3.      The tree didn’t find the earrings. The stolen earrings were found next to the tree.
B.     Read for detail
4.      News about criminal
5.      Juan Geraldo’s life since he mad his first cow can, he feel safe.
      No one can robbed him anymore.
6.      1) False, he drove himself to hospital.
      2) True
      3) True
      4) True
      5) True
      6) False, Geraldo is keen to develop his his idea and is already 
      thinking of making a zebra cap or a lion cap.
C.     Pronounciation compound nouns
D.    Grammar active or passive?
  9. 1) Juan   2) to put the focus on Juan, not the robbers.
10. 1) has been stolen  2) was robbed  3) have been arrested  
      4) took  5) has been hijacked  6) was killed
11. The door was broken. The window was left open.

5D (page 53)
A.    Read and understand reasons
1.      Sumpah Pemuda’s Day 28 October 1928
2.      I think the mystery was in picture 5
3.      1) King Edward IV of England had two sons—Edward and Richard. 
     The boy’s uncle, also called Richard, was asked to look after them 
     and govern the country until Edward was old enough to be king.
2)  Uncle Richard put the princes in the tower of London to “protect” them, 
     and they were never seen again. They simply dissappeared. 
     Meanwhile, their uncle took power and become King Richard IV of England.
3) Because, people said that Richard had murdered the boys.
4) Henry returned to England and the rebels joined him on battle of bosworth field. 
    King Richard was killed and Henry become King Henry VII of England.
5) Because, Richard had killed them. He had murdered the boys on Richard’s orders.
6) Because, King Henry was quite clear. Richard had killed them. 
    In 1502 Richard’s friend , Sir James Tyrell confessed.
7) I think the bones of two children were found under the stairs 
    of the cruch in the tower of London.
8) Because, Richard was an evil monster, a murdered with a deformed body. 
    People thought that a deformed body was a sign of an evil mind.
A.    Grammar past perfect
8. 1) A  2) B
9. 1) Henry took power  2) The Princes died
10. (-) he hadn’t kill them  (?) had he killed them?
11. 1) Richard had murdered the boys
      2) Richard had killed them
      3) He had murdered the boys on Richard’s order
      4) Although he didn’t say what had happened to their bodies
      5) Richard IV had ordered Sir James to kill the prince
      6) Henry had spent some time in France.
12. 1) took, killed
      2) killed, took
      3) put, died
      4) died, put
      5) began, spent
      6) examined, changed

 5E (page 54)
A.    Read and identify narrative strategies
1.      To find information, to find entertain, to understand about something
2.      C. To entertain the reader
3.      Tom left his keys on his desk. Jo worked late. 
      Jo heard breaking glass. Jo hid. Jo thought it was a burglar. 
      Jo’s mobile rang. Tom asked , ‘Is that you, Jo?’
4.      This story not make the reader suspicious. That ending is soo fast. 
      No climax in this story.
5.      When i heard the breaking glass, i knew immediately what was happening.
      I quckly found a dark corner and hid. there was a burglar in the buliding 
     and i was hiding behinf the phtocopier.
     I’d been working late and i was the last person in the office. 
    Then my phone rang and i heard the burglar stop he was listening. 
    Then he started walking towardsthe photocopier! 
    Then he called my name “Is that you, Jo?” he asked. It was Tom, my boss. 
    He’d left his keys on his desk and he couldn’t get into his house.
B.     Use narrative tenses to order the story
6.      B-A-C
7.      Past tense, past continous, past perfect
8.      1) study math    have dinner
          I studied math and then i had dinner
          I studied math after i’d had dinner
          I studied math while i was having dinner
      2) listen to the radio   make lunch
          I listened to the radio and then i made lunch
          I listened to the radio after i;d made lunch
          I listened to the radio while i was making lunch
       3) read the newspaper    travel to work
          I read the newspaper and then i traveled to work
          I read the newspaper after i’d traveled to work
          I read the newspaper while i was travelling to work

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