English Version
Corn dog is one of the snacks that i knew it comes from south korea, but whenener it comes from, for me i absolutely like this snack because the texture is so crunchy with melted mozarella and soft and tender from the sausage, its perfect combination
By the way this is my first time making it, before i decided to make this snack i begin to seek preference menu on the google, cookpad, youtube and other platforms. After i got the recipe that make sense for me, i made first trial with this recipe that i got from youtube
The Ingredients:
- 200 grams of flour
- 100ml warm water
- 1 table spoon of yeast
- 2 table spoon of sugar
- 1/4 table spoon of salt
- Sausage
- Bread crumbs for coating the dough
- Mayonaisse
- Tomato Ketchup
The step :
1. Pour the instant yeast into warm water stir it until mixed well
2. On the other bowl pour the flour, sugar and salt and then pour the liquid ingredient into the dry ingredient
3. After it mixed well, cover the bowl until there are no airs entering the bowl, because it is crucial for fermentation well
4. Wait until approximately 30-40 minutes, or after the dough shaped twice. and the dough ready to use.
5. Skew sausage into the skewer and then coating with that dough after that bolstering in the piles of breadcrumbs
6. After it coating so well and then fried in the deep frying until all of the surface submerged with oil
7. Make sure that the fire dont be so hight heat because it could be the dough isn't cooked well
8. If the corndog had golden brownie it means it cooked well
9. Sowing the corndog with mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, sauce, or chesse sauce or whatever you like
Unfortunately after i made with above recipe, it is fail for me, because the dough is too heavy not airy, so that the corn dog doesn't cooked well and then i improve my recipe and i replace the water into 200ml so it can be equal with the flour, and yeah its success, the step is still same.
yeaaa just it from me this time, i hope it could be the preference of corn dog's recipe for you all whose read my blog, see you in the next recipe :)
Indonesian Version
Yeahh ini adalah first time aku buat corndog, salah satu snakcs favorit akuu, asli aku selalu beli ini sih, gatau ya enak aja gitu buat cemilan hehe sebelum aku buat ini, exactly aku search2 dulu lahya resepnya mulai dari goole, cookpad, youtube dll nah aku nemu nih resep yang kira2 make sense akan berhasil keliatan dari video youtubenya yaa. okeee akhirnya aku ngikutin resep dia nih:
- 200gr Tepung terigu protein tinggi
- 100ml air hangat
- 1 sendok teh ragi instan
- 2 sendok teh gula
- 1/4 sendok teh garam
- Sosis untuk isian
- Tepung roti
- Mayones
- Saus tomat
Cara membuat:
1. Campur ragi dan air hangat, aduk sampai rata
2. Ditempat terpisah campur terigu, gula dan garam, aduk rata
3. Campur bahan basah dan bahan kering sampe menyatu dengan baik, lalu tutup dengan kain atau apapun jangan sampe ada udara masuk, karna ini akan mempengaruhi proses fermentasi
4. Tunggu kira-kira 30-40 menit sampe adonan mengembang dua kali lipat dan kalo udh ngembang siap digunakan dehh
5. Tusuk sosis pake sumpit, setelah itu lumuri sosis dengan adonan terigu tadi trus lanjut lumurin dengan tepung roti sampe rata, biar hasilnya bagus
6. Goreng sampe semua corndognya tercelup ke minyak, api untuk menggoreng jangan panas2 biar rotinya matang sempurna
7. Kalo udh kecoklatan dan mateng, sajikan dengan saus dan mayonaise atau apapun sesuka man teman yaa
Tapii.. setelah aku buat dengan resep ini, gagal man teman, karena dough nya itu terlalu dense jadi kaya bantat gitu karna mungkin kebanyakan tepung, jadi aku inisiatif aja untuk nambahin airnya (jadi 200ml) supaya teksturnya lebih airy, dan yeaah percobaan kedua berhasilll
Cukup sekian resep real yang aku coba sendiri yang bisa aku share, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa jadi preferensi menu corn dog buat kalian yang baca blog aku. thank you:)
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